
How to test

Open the sealed pouch and remove the stick. The test stick has two viewing areas. The left side are control line C and test lines T3 & T1. On the...


How to test

Open the sealed pouch and remove the stick. The test stick has two viewing areas. The left side are control line C and test lines T3 & T1. On the right side are control line C and test lines T4 & T2. Take off the cap to expose the tip. If using as a midstream test hold the stick so that it is pointing downwards in your urine stream for 10 seconds. If using as a dip test ensure it is dipped in the urine to the depth shown on the diagram for 10 seconds.

Replace the cap, lay it flat and read the result within 5 minutes. As the test progresses you should see the liquid moving up the test area causing it to go light pink. As the pink fades the control line will appear as a strong line and the result line if present will appear below this.

Reading the result

Positive Result

If two control (C) lines appear and at least T1 line appear (or more than one T lines appear) in the result window, it means you are pregnant:

1)When control (C) line and T1 line appear, it with 25 mIU/mL≤ the HCG concentration<100 mIU/mL, it means you are pregnant around 1-2 weeks.

2)When control (C) line and T1&T2 lines appear, it with 100 mIU/mL≤ the HCG concentration<300 mIU/mL, it means you are pregnant around 2-3 weeks.

3)When control (C) line and T1&T2&T3 lines appear, it with 300 mIU/mL≤ the HCG concentration<1000 mIU/mL,it means you are pregnant around 3-4 weeks.

4)When control (C) line and T1&T2&T3&T4 lines appear, it with the HCG concentration≥1000 mIU/mL, it means you are pregnant around more than 4 weeks.

Negative Result

If only the control (C) lines appear in the result window this is a negative result and you are either not pregnant or you may have tested too early. If you are unsure repeat the test after 48 hours with a new test stick.

Invalid results

If the two control (C) lines do not appear, the test has not worked properly and is invalid. This is usually due to the stick being under or over wetted. Repeat the test with a new test stick ensuring that the How to Test instructions have been followed carefully.

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